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The Importance of Sleep & Restoration

The Importance of Sleep & Restoration

When you live a busy life, sleep is normally your last priority. While not getting enough sleep can cause you to be in a bad mood the next day, interestingly enough, sleep is actually one of the most important aspects of your health. A lack of sleep can cause you to experience many other health problems. Your body is in need of sleep to recoup after a long day. Keep reading to learn about the importance of sleep and restoration.

A Sharp Mind

While you are sleeping, your brain's neurons spend the time reorganizing. Your brain's glympahtic system, your wate cleaning system, removes the toxic byproducts that build up in your brain throughout the day. Sleep also helps with memory function by converting short term memories into long term memories. Sleep also assists in improving your learning abilities, problem solving skills, focus, and concentration.

Immune Function

A lack of sleep can cause your immune response to lower, making you more susceptible to germs and illnesses. While you are asleep, your body creates proteins called cytokines that fight against infection and inflammation. Your body also makes antibodies and immune cells to prevent sickness.

A Healthy Heart

Your blood pressure lowers while you are sleeping to give your heart and blood vessels a chance to rest. The less sleep you get, the less time for your circulatory system to have a break. If you have high blood pressure, it is even more important that you get a good night's rest to let your heart have a bit of a break.

Better Blood Sugar

When you are in a deep sleep cycle, the amount of glucose in your blood lowers. If you do not get enough sleep to reach that deep sleep cycle, your blood sugar does not get the opportunity to lower. This makes it harder for your body to respond to your cell's blood sugar needs.

Good Emotional Well-being

Sleep is important for your emotional health as well as your physical health. During sleep, the parts of your brain that regulate your emotions increase in activity, including your amygdala and hippocampus. If you are sleep deprived, your amygdala is more likely to overreact in situations. If you have many disturbances in your sleep, this can cause the onset and progression of mental health issues such as depression.

After seeing all of the benefits of getting enough rest, now you need to know how much sleep you need to get each night. Babies and children need a substantial amount of sleep. People ages 18 to 60 years old need 7 or more hours of sleep per day. This sleep needs to be high quality to make sure you are going through all sleep cycles. Quality sleep keeps you healthy and allows your body to function the way it needs to.

If you are not getting good quality sleep at night, you should talk to your doctor to see how they can help. Once the underlying causes of your struggle sleeping are identified, they can assist you in improving your sleep quality.
